Urban Terror MMOFPS Review

Homepage - http://www.urbanterror.net

Urban Terror is a FPS (First-person-shooter) running on the old Quake engine.

Urban Terror is very unrealistic and it knows it is, in fact, Frozen Sand (The company who developed Urban Terror) have started a motto of "Fun over realism". I can honestly see what they mean.

At first you may find it confusing as a hard core FPS addict why it's so easy to get into!
When I was 10 I never really played FPS but Urban Terror was free and a friend recommended it so I thought "What the hell" and tried it out. I have never looked back from that moment. I still play Urban Terror to this very day. (Though I've improved a vast amount, I'm still by far not very good)
Now and again, I see players who have been playing for a couple of days with utter gratitude towards the game. The control system is easy and fluent, with jumping and "grinding" keeping your blood pumping and your adrenalin racing (And these techniques aren't hard to master, only took me a few weeks!).

Urban Terror's engine (The Quake and Quake 2 engine) has been praised by development company's for a long long time. The easy adaptability of the engine makes it a favorite among development teams, combined with it's stability and it's huge functionality. Makes it an extremely effective engine when mixed with Urban Terror.

I definitely recommend at least trying it out, if you don't like it, no harm done. But you may be like me and never stop playing it. (I can imagine my self as an old man playing it...Kinda creepy Confused)

9/10 (Credits from the review goto ~ Ilegal)

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