Heavy Rain Spoiler

Heavy Rain, A controversial game that has been a hit since it first came out.
This review will have NO SPOILERS! I will not leak information about how to beat the game or what happens if you want that go check out youtube or use our good friend google


There is no game-over in this game! its meant to be fun and you will never have to replay scenarios or scenes. Its meant for you to choose your path and either to cause destruction or good. The choice is yours!

-The WOW Experience

What i mean is that this game will always keep you on your toes. Just as soon as you think its calmed down an action sequences. If you do not pay attention you could "miss it" and trust me you'll regret it!


User-Friendly about sums it up. Without having a control system that's always in-tact the game switches it up an you never know what you may end up. This keep's you ready to "button smash" if you will and also keeps you entertained. Sometimes the controls get blurry and that even adds to the tension. Its one of those things you have never experienced and i highly recommend it

Overall Rating:

I highly recommend this game! You will enjoy every second of it and the ending will leave you wanting more. But don't take my word for it go and give it a play for yourself!

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